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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

When God leaves you

Really enlightening!

Giveaway- DVD "The Art of Crafting"

I found and they are doing a giveaway for this DVD. Check it out!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


For my halloween costume, I didn't want to feel pressured to look skanky, so I decided to do a frontier woman type outfit. Actually, I just wanted an excuse to make a bonnet :P

Anyways, I don't know how to sew, so I went to my friend Angela's house. She's really good a sewing. She is working on a Little Bo Peep costume and was making a bonnet also! The pattern was easy- just a big circle with elastic in it! I wanted an apron also so I made up my own pattern and went for it. Here is the final product.

It's kinda hard to see. Anyways, I'm very proud of my first sewing adventure! I got a sewing machine from another friend, and so I brought it to Angela's. She helped me clean it up and taught me on it. Now I got a nice little sewing corner in my living room! Unfortunately, I don't have any cloth to sew! hehe. But, I have been fixing some of T's clothing- a pair of jeans has a huge hole in the pocket, so I cut the bottom part off and sewed a new bottom! Didn't think to take pictures!

Anyways, that's about it right now!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Things on my mind

I've gotten into this (annoying) habit of waking up at 4:30 to go to the bathroom, and then not falling back asleep! I want my last 2 hours of sleep, darn it! ;-)

Anyways, I believe I have mentioned it before, my husband and I are "not preventing, but not trying" for a baby. There IS a chance this month, and it's driving me crazy because I want to know. It's only 8 days after ovulation, and I should wait for at least 10-11 to take a test. I'm also trying to convince myself to wait and see if I miss a period or not--> I mean, I can't start writing a pregnancy test into my monthly budget :P that just seems silly. Now I'm noticing signs (some people call them 'symptoms' which I avoid, as it implied an illness!) and I don't know if I am 'making them up' because I want to be, or if it's possible... it's hard to imagine it could be possible!!!!

I've been questioning things about the church a lot lately. Not a bad thing alone, but it's odd that suddenly I'm so defensive and confused about things that never bothered me.... the devil at work? Or me just being a little concerned--> I don't throw myself into faith- and whenever I do, I always end up questioning and doubting things. I've turned very conservative in the past year and maybe I resent it a little....which leads me to my next thought.

I was doing well losing weight, the few months before the wedding. I got myself together and just did it. And after the wedding I dropped doing it. Now I need to pick it up, and it's so difficult! I guess part of me doesn't want to- I don't want to give up pizza and coffee and cheese! And I want to lose weight for when I have kids--> I don't want to be a bad example. And as silly as it is, I want people to be able to tell  I am pregnant by looking at me- not just fat! I don't want to be pregnant but just look fat.
Of course, I may be stuck here. 0.0 If I am. Which I don't know.

Anyways, these are the things on my mind today. Any words of wisdom?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

An interesting post I read on covering

Check it out here.

I was browsing some websites of family-integrated churches in our state, and came across one which had "What about women's headcoverings?" in their Q&A section.  It was a pretty short list, so at first glance I was somewhat impressed that the topic had made the cut.  The answer began by saying than they had been contacted several times with inquiries about headcoverings, and they rather dismissively responded by saying: "The apostle Paul clearly states that a woman's hair is sufficient covering in 1 Cor. 11:15:  'But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering.'"

her whole post is really good and insightful.

I don't want to do it full-time. I hardly do the part time. But I keep finding it, keep reading about it.

tattoos and prayers

My SIL and MIL got tattoos a few weeks ago. Something was wrong at the place I guess.... both got nasty staff absesses and MIL has already gotten surgery done on it- shes finally out of the hospital (had to spend 5 nights) and has a tube in her back to a machine to get rid of the infection. She's going in for treatments several times a month for the next few. My SIL has it too and is going to a surgeon soon too. It's about $50,000 so far in treatment for MIL and I assume similar to SIL. I know MIL doesn't have health insurance and I don't think SIL does.

They (obviously) plan to sue. Still, please pray for their health and for the money to come.


T and I rented this movie because I had heard it was a movie all Christian couples should see. It wasn't quite what I expected, but it was good. It was more about a man coming to his faith and fixing his relationship with his wife when divorce was imminent. I thought it would be more about a man finding faith and him leading his wife- not so dire I suppose. Anyways, I am rewatching as I do laundry and blog!

"John Holt: Caleb, if I had to ask you why you're so frustrated with Catherine, what would you say?
Caleb Holt: She's stubborn. She makes everything difficult for me. She's ungrateful. She's constantly griping about something.
John Holt: Has she thanked you for anything you've done in the last 20 days?
Caleb Holt: No! And you'd think after I washed the car, changed the oil, do the dishes, washed the house, that she would try to show me a little bit of gratitude, but she doesn't. In fact, when I come home, she makes me feel like I'm an enemy! I'm not even welcome in my own home, dad! That is what really ticks me off! Dad, for the last three weeks I have bent over backwards for her! I have tried to demonstrate that I still care about this relationship. I bought her flowers, which she threw away. I have taken her insults and her sarcasm, but last night was it. I made dinner for her. I did everything I could to demonstrate that I care about her, to show value for her, and she spat in my face! She does not deserve this, dad! I am not doing it anymore! How am I supposed to show love to somebody over and over and over, who constantly rejects me?
John Holt: [John Holt strokes the wooden cross, and turns to Caleb] That's a good question.
Caleb Holt: Dad, that is not what I'm doing.
John Holt: Is it?
Caleb Holt: No. Dad, that is not what this is about.
John Holt: Son, you just asked me: how can someone show love over and over again when they're constantly rejected? Caleb, the answer is: you can't love her, because you can't give her what you don't have. I couldn't truly love your mother until I understood what love truly was. It's not because I get some reward out of it. I've now made a decision to love your mother whether she deserves it or not. Son, God loves you, even though you don't deserve it. Even though you've rejected Him. Spat in His face. God sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sin, because He loves you. The cross was offensive to me, until I came to it. But when I did, Jesus Christ changed my life. That's when I truly began to love your mom. Son, I can't settle this for you. This is between you and the Lord. But I love you too much not to tell you the truth. Can't you see that you need Him? Can't you see that you need His forgiveness?
Caleb Holt: Yes.
John Holt: Will you trust Him with your life?
[Caleb nods; yes]"

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

After a long weekend

Hey everyone. I hope all is well.

This was a long weekend for us- T took Friday off work and we drove to AL for my granddaddy's funeral. I had never been to a burial/funeral where there was a wake- just memorial services for the cremated. It was weird, to see him lying there... it didn't look like him to me. It was difficult. My dad did the eulogy and he did a great job- he had people send him their memories of granddaddy and it was fun to be reminded of him before he was ill.

I got to meet a bunch of my step-family that I had never met, or only met once. I made many new "friends" with family and I hope to get to know them better as the years come.

Today, I meet with my personal trainer at 9:30. It is currently 8am and I'm trying to get the excitement to commit. He wants me to be super excited, many goals at once... he is "tough love" about it all. It works for me (sometimes) if I feel the person cares if I lose weight or not- but right now it's just difficult. I want to commit. I want to be able to do it. I want to want to do it. Heh. What music do you listen to while working out? What motivates you? I want to know what others do.

 I got a lot on my mind, and I may write later about some of the other things.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thoughts for today


Outside my window...darkness- I'm up way too early!

I am thinking...I wish I could have stayed asleep past 3:45am.

I am thankful for... my wonderful husband and a loving God!

From the kitchen... I made some pumpkin bread yesterday. It came out a bit dense, but is really good toasted with butter.

I am wearing...PJs

I am creating...a home

I am going... to take T to work, pick up a friend from her dropping her rental car off, going to the gym... church photo, and solomn rosary tonight!

I am reading...Lord of the Rings.

I am hoping... that I feel well rested, and that I can work on getting healthier again.

I am neighbors are awake... I didn't know anyone got up this early :P

Around the house... overall fairly clean, lots of deep cleaning left to do.

One of my favorite things... cool Autumn mornings

A few plans for the rest of the week... church stuff, pack, go to AL for funeral

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing... A candle a friend lit at the wedding, now (for me) a memory of my grandfather.

Weight loss and goal setting

I haven't talked about weight loss on here much, but it's something I've been dealing/struggling with for a long time now. I started at 240 (I'm not afraid of talking about numbers... *shrug*) I went wedding dress shopping at around 222. At my wedding I was 208- I actually lost enough where my dress was almost too big! That was a nice surprise.

Anyways, I have a gym membership and I meet with a trainer 3X/month. During July and August I quit going- I was out of town, wedding planning, and he was getting married the week after me. So the past couple of weeks we picked up working out again- now he has gotten a "real" job and so I'm switching to a new guy named Michael. I'm a little nervous. I'm up to 214 as of this morning. I'm hoping a little of it is muscle gain, but I know I have been overeating again. I was (when I lost the 222--> 208) taking a pill called Slim Xtreme. I normally do NOT advocate diet pills. This is all natural (no caffeine). It's mostly an appetite suppressant. It is 1 pill/day and it starts working immediately! Taking that plus eating healthy, you can easily lose 10-20 pounds in the first month.

Most of my husband's aunts were on it and having great results, so I tried it out. I just kinda stopped around the wedding. So I'm picking that back up too. I know his aunts are very particular- I think 3 of them took it to their doctors to get it okayed as not going to give problems... once again, all natural. One even looked at it under a microscope. All good there!

Anyways, I trust it pretty well, and it works. I just need to work on the whole eating healthier thing. I need to eat much less in carbs, and eat more fruits and veggies. I don't know why this is so hard for me! It's something I need to work on. I know that if I want children in the near future, I need to be healthy and in healthy eating habits for the baby.

Coupon-ing failure

Failure might be too harsh of a term. But, I tried it out. I was full of this Sunday's coupons plus some online coupons. I was all excited-- until I got to the store and realized everything I needed wasn't really in my coupons. Silly me- you think I would have paid attention. I did get some really good deals- on pasta and cheese. But I still spent a whopping 72 dollars (rather that 89). I didn't even get meat!

So yeah. I need to re-study up on this. Check the webpages better, get more coupons. And NOT BUY THINGS just because I have the coupon for it!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thoughts on abortion and NFP

First thing: I'm having a lot of trouble with blogger- it says "service unavailable" a lot and won't load... anyone else?

Anyway, to my topic. On the thought of "Respect Life Sunday" yesterday, a forgotten part of "respecting life" is the conception part. First of all- our society has created a very negative image of pregnancy. Even the word. Pregnancy. We impregnate a cow. Preggers- that term makes me angry! It sounds dumb. You can google "symptoms of pregnancy"--> doesn't that sound like a disease?! What happened to "with child"? Doesn't that sound happier? We don't celebrate life- it's a fight, here in America. Trying to get insurance to cover the birth, trying to get maternity or paternity leave... it's a fight.

Life begins at conception. Period. As such, abortion is wrong- the act of killing a unborn child (Intentional, as compared to accidental- miscarriage.) There is no "choice" in the matter- unless you believe in killing others because they inconvenience you- because you invite them into your home--> Yes, the sexual act is an invitation to your world. You wouldn't tell a friend "Hey- drop by sometime." and then kill them when they come over, b/c you are "too busy." 

I am "pro-choice." I am pro choice as in "you made the CHOICE to have sex.... you CHOSE sex---> something that gives life. You chose life." If you want to chose to not have a child, please, don't have sex.

I am practicing NFP- natural family planning. For those who are unfamiliar with the process, this is what it is.
The female body releases an egg part way through the cycle- this we call ovulation. The body, in preparation for this, creates mucus. The point of the mucus is to help sperm live for more than a few minutes/ 1 day. Otherwise, without mucus, pregnancy would be very rare! You would have to have sex basically as you ovulate!... So in NFP we watch the mucus. When it's there, and the more fertile type, you know ovulation is coming. The couple would abstain during the time if they were wanting to not conceive.  We also chart temperature- it helps us know when ovulation happens, and we can use it to determine pregnancy. The charting of mucus and temperature takes a whopping 1 min a day for me. It's not a big deal. 

It's 98-99 percent effective. More so than birth control pills and condoms- most women are not taught simple things about the pill such as "you need to take it at the exact same time, every day." If you miss, the % goes down. Let's not mention the unpleasurable side effects of the pill- I found this page  which I am not familiar with, but lists more links to the pill than I have heard of. The pill will at least admit to, according to epigee
"Are there any side effects or health complications associated with hormonal birth control?
There are a number of side effects and potential health risks associated with the use of hormonal contraceptives.

    • Weight gain
    • Increase or decrease in acne
    • Nausea and vomiting (particularly for the first few cycles)
    • Dizziness
    • Headaches
    • Depression
    • Vaginal infections
    • High blood pressure
    • Loss of libido
    • Blood clots in legs, lungs, heart or brain
    • Stroke
    • Liver tumors (rare)
    • Heart attacks
    • Gallstones (rare)
    • Jaundice (rare)
    • Possibly cervical cancer
    • Spotting and irregular vaginal bleeding
    • Longer periods
    • Amenorrhea for extend periods
    • Headaches
    • Anxiety and nervousness
    • Pain in lower abdominals
    • Dizziness
    • Loss of libido
    • Depression
    • Increase or decrease in acne
    • Skin rash or darkened patches of skin
    • Appetite changes
    • Weight gain
    • Tender breasts
    • Increase or decrease in facial and body hair
    • Possibly hair loss
    • Vaginal discharge
    • Bone density loss
    • Enlarged ovarian follicles
    • Pain or itching (usually for a brief period of time)
    • Norplant users: infection at the site of implantation
    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Certain cancers"
 Well, let's say you want to take the pill anyways- desipite all the side effects. Well, we determined that life begins at conception- when sperm and egg meet. Let's see what webmd says about how BC pill works.
"Hormonal contraceptives (the pill, the patch, and the vaginal ring) all contain a small amount of synthetic estrogen and progestin hormones. These hormones work to inhibit the body's natural cyclical hormones to prevent pregnancy. Pregnancy is prevented by a combination of factors. The hormonal contraceptive usually stops the body from releasing an egg from the ovary. Hormonal contraceptives also change the cervical mucus to make it difficult for the sperm to find an egg. Hormonal contraceptives can also prevent pregnancy by making the lining of the womb inhospitable for implantation. "
I bolded a line. Any guess why? It is not PREVENTING PREGNANCY.... if sperm and egg meet (thus life is given, by God), and then as part of your I-don't-want-to-have-a-baby plan you take this pill that forces the body to thicken the lining, so the womb is "inhospitable for implantation" then the newly formed baby does what? died... The baby is aborted, because you asked your body to- no, forced your body to. It's an abortion still, even though you didn't even know it happened. Sad huh?

Some people say "Well, abstaining is not good for a couple." I found this. "NFP is not just a "method" based on physiology. Rather, NFP is based on VIRTUE. It is based on sexual self-control, which is necessary for a healthy marriage. There are times in any marriage when spouses have to put aside their desire for sex because of sickness, fatigue, travel, or other reasons. In a healthy marriage, love is shown in many ways, and not all these ways of showing love are physical. In fact, to refrain from sex when necessary is itself an act of love. Why? Because in effect the spouses then say to each other, "I did not marry you just for sexual pleasure. I married you because I love you. You are a person, not an object. When I have sex with you, it is because I freely choose to show you my love, not because I need to satisfy an urge." Using NFP requires abstinence from intercourse during the fertile days if a pregnancy has to be avoided. This actually can strengthen the couple's sexual life. When the spouses know that they can abstain for good reasons, they also come to trust each other more, and avoid the risk of treating each other primarily as objects of sexual pleasure rather than persons. Artificial birth control, on the other hand, gives free reign to the temptation to make pleasure the dominant element, rather than virtue. It encourages couples to think that sexual self-control is not necessary. It can encourage them to become slaves to pleasure." It really can be good for a couple to abstain. Much like we (should) abstain before marriage- even with our hormones rage-ing, we abstain for love of each other, and love of God. Abstaining has to happen sometimes, and plus- it's not the end of the world! Date- remember those sweet, fun things you do before marriage? You can still feel love without sex all the time- if not, it's time to do some talking!

Another interesting fact. "but one of the hidden secrets of using NFP is that is actually has a low divorce rate, 4.2% to be exact. Couples who use other forms of birth control experience a divorce rate of almost 60%." This is because the couple must talk- must take responsibility together (rather than all the responsibility on the woman.) Rather than once a year "Do we want kinds this year? No? Ok- then I take the pill for another year." A example I heard/read once was a couple. Female: "It's my fertile time. Do we want to, even though it means we might get pregnant?" Male: "No! We don't have the money for another child. You spend it all shopping with your girlfriends...." etc. Suddenly we are talking about REAL ISSUES that otherwise may not have been addressed. All this communication--> Helps keep divorce rates down.

The hardest thing, I've told friends about NFP and I've had many say they are interested in it after they are married (and these women are having premarital sex). They don't trust it- but they are willing to bet it all on a pill? A pill that hurts the body, hurts the environment (another long story), a pill that- if not taken exactly right- will not work? Why don't we trust nature? Why don't we trust what our bodies do- what they are meant to do. If you have a stuffy nose, a sinus headache, and a cough- you put together those signs and go "I have a sinus infection!" Likewise, can't we do the same and say "I'm fertile!" ?

Some pages I got info from, not tagged.

So, just some food for thought. 

Friday, October 1, 2010

Haven't written in a few

I haven't really had a good thought to write on- I've thought about little things off and on, but nothing of substance. Nothing that people would care to know :)

I've been trying to ID where a smell is coming from in my house. It's in the kitchen. I completely cleaned my fridge and freezer- where I thought it could be from. Still there. I'm thinking I need to bleach the two drawers and my trash can- I can't think of anywhere else it could be! I had my husband check the fridge pan, under the fridge, under the oven.... nothing! It's really frustrating and makes me not want to get laundry and cooking done!

My husband keeps all his mail/papers he gets. In case they are important. It drives me mad!! We don't need all these piles of seemingly-trash sitting around! I got us a file cabinet (thank you craigslist) and Saturday we have decided to devote to filing all the papers. That means he has to go through them!! We can file bills, pay stubs, important papers. We can throw out the old stuff.

Question: How long should you keep bills and pay stubs? One year? 3 years?

I'm also feeling  better about money- for the first time... ever. We are still in a good bit of debt, but now at least we see positive numbers to start paying debt off! I'm excited about this and about to work on an excel chart to give us goals. I'm also planning on using Quicken to help us figure out where we are spending our money (and how much!) in order to budget more accurately. I'm also hoping doing couponing will help us with cutting some of our food budget!

I should be working harder on getting a job, but there isn't much here. I really enjoy substituting, teaching flute lessons, and staying home- to make a nice home for my husband and I. I know this is keeping us in debt longer. I feel kind of bad.... I don't know what I should do!