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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Things on my mind

I've gotten into this (annoying) habit of waking up at 4:30 to go to the bathroom, and then not falling back asleep! I want my last 2 hours of sleep, darn it! ;-)

Anyways, I believe I have mentioned it before, my husband and I are "not preventing, but not trying" for a baby. There IS a chance this month, and it's driving me crazy because I want to know. It's only 8 days after ovulation, and I should wait for at least 10-11 to take a test. I'm also trying to convince myself to wait and see if I miss a period or not--> I mean, I can't start writing a pregnancy test into my monthly budget :P that just seems silly. Now I'm noticing signs (some people call them 'symptoms' which I avoid, as it implied an illness!) and I don't know if I am 'making them up' because I want to be, or if it's possible... it's hard to imagine it could be possible!!!!

I've been questioning things about the church a lot lately. Not a bad thing alone, but it's odd that suddenly I'm so defensive and confused about things that never bothered me.... the devil at work? Or me just being a little concerned--> I don't throw myself into faith- and whenever I do, I always end up questioning and doubting things. I've turned very conservative in the past year and maybe I resent it a little....which leads me to my next thought.

I was doing well losing weight, the few months before the wedding. I got myself together and just did it. And after the wedding I dropped doing it. Now I need to pick it up, and it's so difficult! I guess part of me doesn't want to- I don't want to give up pizza and coffee and cheese! And I want to lose weight for when I have kids--> I don't want to be a bad example. And as silly as it is, I want people to be able to tell  I am pregnant by looking at me- not just fat! I don't want to be pregnant but just look fat.
Of course, I may be stuck here. 0.0 If I am. Which I don't know.

Anyways, these are the things on my mind today. Any words of wisdom?

1 comment:

  1. "Jealousy is my big one.

    My other confession is, although I'm trying to lose weight, I'm scared to!"

    Thanks for commenting! Aww don't be scared. I need to lose this baby weight and I am having a hard time too. Anyways, about your post that how it started for us too. We weren't trying but not protecting either. It took awhile for me to get pregnant and every month I thought I had the signs. Good luck with everything though, so exciting!! :)
