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Monday, January 3, 2011

picture from here

Yesterday we celebrated the Epiphany (which is actually on Jan, 6th).

O God, Who by the guidance of a star didst this day reveal Thine only-begotten Son to the Gentiles, mercifully grant that we, who know Thee now by faith, may be so led as to behold with our eyes the beauty of Thy majesty. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

I want to live daily this Epiphany- the knowledge of God. The excitement of what really happened! The picture of the child I put- I love it! It's a picture of a child's sheer delight- likely of something they just learned or saw.

We are back home from our travels. T's first day back to work is today. Kids come back tomorrow. Now I'm trying to get the house in order. Not taking down Christmas yet (Waiting until next week- after the 12 days!) I even got a couple new ornaments that I hung up. Now is also the time to get sales for next year! I had hoped to get a "first year married" type ornament (or make one!) and maybe some garland for future years. We will see- I've kept my eyes opened, but with travel I haven't seen much.

I'm out of laundry soap- it lasted a good while. I need to go buy a new bar and make more! That's on my agenda for the day I suppose. Then doing laundry, vacuuming, putting away stuff we had taken with us or got during our travels. T got a lot of work clothes- my parents took him work clothes shopping and my mom bought him a suit. It needs tailoring in the pants. I also want to slowly get items tailored to fit him. He always wears slacks, a dress shirt, and tie for work (a teacher- band director) and I want him to look his best. Much of his clothes were too big and/or old. They stuff too big I hope we can get tailored down to look a bit more clean-fit for him.

He loves his pocket watch I got him for Christmas. I didn't get engraving done, but I might in the future. I am supposed to for his wedding ring too... just unsure of what to put on either of them! Any suggestions?

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