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Friday, December 17, 2010

Career searching

This is something I don't think I've talked to much about. My degree is in music education, but I know I don't want to teach- especially in the public school setting. However, 37K student loans require payment, which requires a job! But currently my loans are on hold (as I'm jobless) and I'm searching for what my passions are. I talked on the phone with a life coach/family friend who helped me figure out some things. I wanted to share this.

What drives you? <-- Many people think "Money" but in reality- money motivates us (b/c we want to care for our family, etc) but MONEY itself isn't the actual drive. We just want to have it.
--- What makes you ticked off? What makes you happy? - Solving this can help you figure out what you truly care about. I narrowed mine down to
a- Personal (human) dignity. The TSA stuff with the full body scanners and pat downs makes me livid. Why? B/c i see it as an infringment of our rights and human dignity.
b- education of women- in terms of their own body, their rights, etc. For example, I am using Natural Family Planning (NFP). It's about seeing what the woman's body does naturally (it TELLS you when you are fertile!) and using these signs appropriately. If you want babies- now is the time to do it! If not, then you shouldn't right now! Women should know the harms of birth control, inducing labor, and other things. We need to be educated about our choices!
c- my faith.I want to do what is right, and help encourage others to do what is right- through education!

I always knew education was important to me (my major!) but what I was not sure. But as I talked to this friend, I narrowed down some fields I may be interested in learning more about. One of them being a Doula or labor assistant. I've never been in the labor room, but I have been reading and researching about choices there are and what they mean- I find it interesting to know how it works. Women have been birthing babies since the beginning of time! Why suddenly are we trying to control it? Our controlling it is HARMING the baby and mother!
I contacted a local Doula and she sounds great- we talked and got along really well. She gave me some information. I'm hoping to sit in on some of her meetings/classes to see what she does and how I enjoy it. She's actually converting right now to Catholicism and is interested in incorporating NFP into her practice! She is working with CAPPA on a program that she thinks it right up my alley in terms of interesting and morals. I'm excited to learn about it and I'm really thinking I'm called to this.My dad is offering to pay half the price of the coursework, should I chose to follow this.

It also makes me happy- it's a blend of what I believe and my values with my parents faith and values (more new age/naturalistic).

So this is where I am now!


  1. Thanks for the blog visit and follow. I wish you luck in figuring out what you want to do- it's tough, but you'll know when you've found the right path.

    Happy holidays!
    Valerie@Occasionally Crafty

  2. This is what I was thinking about today!!!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Very nice to hear you are finding something you are interested in! Good luck!
